Kateri Tekakwitha Prayer for the young and our families

~Prayer for the young and our families, with Kateri~

O most humble Kateri
I seek your love and prayers.
I turn to you for your inspiration.

May I know the power of humility;
the strength of seeking God’s will
in everything I do this day;
the compassion to care this way
for those who are weak and are in need of help;
and the faith to forgive
those who walk a hurtful and violent path.

Pray with me Kateri
that through us God our Creator
will comfort the orphan,
watch over the neglected child,
and wait with the youth who go astray.

You lost your parents
and found others along the way
to care for and guide you.
May all parents and grandparents stay healthy,
seek the selfless love of Jesus,
and give where giving is most needed.
May they make wise decisions
and heed daily to the Wisdom of the Great Spirit.

Your spirit was strong
and your love for Jesus is deep,
may I trust that Christ will turn my weakness
into His strength and meekness;
so that whatever comes to me this day,
I may choose to do God’s will.

~Fr. David Shulist, S.J.~
Copyright (C) Anishinabe Spiritual Centre

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