Kateri Tekakwitha Prayer

Kateri Help Us

A prayer by Rosella Kinoshameg

Kateri, before the age of four you heard your mother’s whispered prayers and stories about Jesus. These prayers and stories made you want to learn more.

Your village did not understand what you were doing and so you were teased, stoned, and threatened. But you remained gentle, obedient, patient, and respectful.

You led a life of prayer, going into the woods so that you might hear God in your heart through the voice of nature.

You made “Jesus sticks”, little wooden crosses out of sticks, and you put them everywhere in the woods to remind you to pray.

You worked for God by helping the young, the poor, the sick, and the aged.

When you taught the people and told them stories about Jesus, they felt the presence of God and felt close to God when you prayed.

After whispering “I will love you in heaven” you died. Your face, scarred from smallpox, changed and you became beautiful, with rosy colour and smiling, happy to be with Jesus.

Kateri, help us to learn more about Jesus, so that we may feel God close to us in our hearts.

And let the “Jesus sticks” remind us to pray and to help and respect others.

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