2nd Advent Reflection – Comfort My People

12 Step Programs have a lot of pithy little sayings intended to be like little lights along the dark path of recovery from addiction. One of those sayings goes like this:

Fake it till you make it.

It’s like when I cannot fully forgive someone, but I find myself sharing the prayers of the Mass with that person. When it comes time to “exchange a sign of peace”, I have three choices. First, I can ignore that person and share peace with everyone else. Second, I can pretend to exchange peace but inside I am actually refusing to acknowledge their dignity. Third, I can actually turn and actually exchange a sign of peace with that person even as I ask God in prayer to supply for me now the forgiveness that I am not yet capable of.

The first option is cheap and ultimately dishonest. The second option is also just dishonest. The third one is the “fake it till you make it” option. I am faking it alright, because it’s the best I can do right now. But I’m also working toward making it real. I’m acting in trust that God, in due time, will give me the grace I pray for when I am honestly struggling to be a better person.

The prophet Isaiah and John the Baptist both call us today to prepare the way of God. Preparing a smooth path for God to be fully present in my life is hard work. The Good News today is that when I am honestly trying to do that work, God has promised to bring it about. That is truly a great comfort.

– Fr. Mark Hoelsken, S.J.

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