2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday – April 7, 2024

   The second Sunday of Easter marks the end of the Easter Octave, and it is also celebrated as the feast of Divine Mercy. St. Faustina, in her famous diary, reminds us repeatedly about Jesus’ unlimited mercy which was generously bestowed even upon hard core sinners like the good thief on Golgotha. St. Peter, after his denial, was also the beneficiary of this mercy.

   The future first pope (Peter) and most of his colleagues must have been ashamed because they had deserted Christ during his passion. After his death on the cross, they were shocked and uncertain about their future. Instead of scolding them, the Risen Lord greeted them with uplifting words: “Peace be with you”.

   The patient Jesus appeared at the suitable time to Thomas and was ready to meet all his demands, to assure him in his skepticism. Jesus is also very merciful to modern doubtful Thomases, waiting for the radical change of their unbelieving hearts. We all rejoice when their newly found faith is expressed by statements like “My Lord and my God”.

   We can show our gratitude for being counted among those who are blessed, by extending mercy towards others, and by continuing to perform acts of charity. Although we cannot share everything in common as the first Catholics did, let us be inspired by their spirituality.

  – Fr. Toni Baranowski SJ

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