Annual Advent Twilight Retreat – 2012

Annual Advent Twilight Retreat – 4 December 2012 at Anishinabe Spiritual Centre

with Deacon Henk van Meijel, S.J.

“The Three Comings”

Evening begins with supper @ 5:30 p.m. with retreat following ending at 9:00 p.m. with refreshments to follow $25

Those who would like to stay overnight with a Continental Breakfast the next morning for an additional $10 

Please register by calling at the latest, December 3rd by 11:00 a.m.

A time for group prayer, personal prayer, personal reconciliation or spiritual conversation and sharing with others and input from Deacon van Meijel, S.J.

A time to begin the Advent Season in preparation for Christmas in an evening of song, listening, sharing and prayer. 

First Coming. Goint to a reflection on the great mystery of the fact that God lowered himself into the form of a human being, taking on our suffering and our everyday struggles, showing us the way.

Second Coming. How Jesus is entering my life ‘today’? How is the incredible miracle of Jesus’ coming incorporated in my life in the here and now? 

Third Coming. The more we understand the mystery of salvation in our daily life, the more we will know and understand our little place along the road of salvation history. We will move into a deeper relationship with our Maker. Our life song will change from looking at Jesus like the big brother who we plead with when we are stressed to the lover who journeys with us through the mountains and valleys of life, leading us to the Kingdom.


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