First Sunday of Advent – 27 November 2022

By Fr. Antoni Baranowski, S.J.

The four weeks of Advent are not just an endurance and patience test before we
reach the Christmas joy of opening gift boxes. It is a privileged time to meditate
upon the true meaning of the upcoming Christmas.

The word “Advent” means “coming” and refers to three comings of Jesus: the first
one at Christmas; the second one at the end of time; and the third one is His daily
coming into our lives. The dominant liturgical colour is purple because preparation
also includes repentance.

The readings from the first Sunday of Advent draw our attention to the coming of
the Son of Man at the end of time, to judge and renew the world. The Word of God
during the second and third weeks of Advent focuses on the preaching of John the
Baptist, reminding us to repent and prepare the way of the Lord. While being called
to conversion, a joyful anticipation of Emmanuel-God staying with us is already
perceived on the third Sunday, known as “Gaudete” or “Rejoice” Sunday. On the
fourth Sunday, we contemplate the mystery of God becoming man at Christmas.

While participating in many different Christmas parties, let us set aside some time
for prayerful reflection on the birth of Christ bringing peace and joy into the world.

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