June 30, 2019 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Role and Commitment of the Disciple


By Rosella Kinoshameg DOS

Luke’s gospel tells us about Jesus’ beginning journey to Jerusalem, “set his face” means with resolve and single minded purpose, to fulfill his destiny – to his eventual crucifixion and resurrection.

Jesus did not travel alone, and as he travels, he teaches as he leads his followers. James and John, the same disciples who asked to sit at Jesus's right and left (i.e., next in command), wanted to call divine wrath on the Samaritan village. In rebuking them, Jesus teaches a very important lesson by demonstrating love, not vengeance, towards
the Samaritans.

Jesus’ words sound harsh to potential followers but his words make an important point about discipleship. The journey with him is not an easy one. Jesus says to go and proclaim the kingdom of God. This is our Christian vocation and must be our first priority.

There is uncertainty, but we must trust God to provide and not worry about needs, keep our focus. “The Son of God has nowhere to lay his head” means this is a mobile ministry. Discipleship requires a clear understanding of our role and commitment: to serve, and to trust in the Lord is the highest priority.

Let us pray and ask God for strength to accept his invitation to follow. As the journey will not be easy, let the Holy Spirit be our guide to keep us focused on our journey and the importance of love, so that we will come closer to God.


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