The new Team worked together during the October Ministries Weekend, it started Friday evening with a Sharing Circle and a social hour to visit and share snacks.
The new Ministries team of Paul Robson S.J. and WimDombretS.J. and Tony BaranowskiS.J. with Mary Balfe were the facilitators for the sessions.
We had a session related to Aboriginal Culture and Spirituality and Hymn and prayers in the language.
Saturday morning we had a session guided by Fr. Wim S.J. and Mary Balfe. Then, Fr. Wil guided a prayer.
After lunch, Fr. Paul S.J. shared with us: “Dialogue and Proclamation” for the Ongoing formation group.
Margaret Toulouse shared with us: “Medicine Wheel”.
Rosemary Pitawanakwat guided Rosary prayers, and Rosella Kinoshameg guided a Ojibwa hymm.
A practicum session: “Smudging, Music, readers, Ministers of the bread, cup” was guided by Rosella Kinoshameg.
The weekend ended with Fr. Tony S.J. saying mass followed by Dinner and Dismissal.