Reflection on Christ the King

Sunday, November 26, 2023

This Sunday marks the end of the liturgical year and the new beginning, Advent, the time of preparing and anticipating, waiting for the celebrating of the birth of Jesus; but today we focus on the kingship of Christ and his return in full glory at the end of time.

Our image of God in the first reading is one of a shepherd who searches and seeks out his sheep, with God saying, “I will seek out my sheep.” To take control because of corruption, God steps in as a shepherd to care of the flock. This image probably comes from David the shepherd king. God makes many promises of commitment and He is involved intimately. This gives us support and hope.

For Paul, writing to the Corinthians in the second reading, the image of God is the Son of God, “Christ is raised”. Adam and death came first, then came Jesus and Resurrection. This resurrection we will enjoy in its fullness only after death and after the second coming, as then comes the end where Christ will hand over all of creation to God.

In the Gospel reading, there is the Son of Man who will come “in his glory”. This is a judgement scene of separation to awaken in us a concern for right and good behaviour.

Let us focus on Christ, we, as sheep in obedience and in wonder,

Christ consoling us in times of injustice.

Let us be kind in word and action,

Be attentive to those around us who are suffering,

Seeing those who need care and attention.

We are called to love and serve the Lord by serving one another.

As we love, serve one another, honour and respect one another,

We love, serve, honour and respect God.

– Rosella Kinoshameg DOS

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