Reflection on December 17, 2023 Readings

Joy. A lightness in your heart and in your step and on your lips.  It can last a few seconds or hours.  It is that unexplained welling up that occurs and that feels like it overflows from within.  It is hard to contain!  It most often tumbles out of in a burst of laughter, sometimes tears of happiness.  It is different than funny – funny can still be spontaneous but joy seems to be, purer.  Like beauty.  Breath taking beauty.  The colors of a sun set against the waters.  The twinkling of the sun through the green leaves.  These moments of beauty create a sense of awe and joy.

In the first reading, the prophet announces a welcome back to the captives that have finally been released from Babylon.  He describes his mission, which is of service to God’s people. He and they are filled with joy.  He says “in my God is the joy of my soul”.  He recognizes that the source of Joy is God!  Imagine, when you feel that fullness of joy, that overwhelming joy, you are feeling God as its true source!  And we acknowledge that joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit sealed upon us at our Confirmation.  

Mary and Elizebeth were each filled with joy upon discovering each other’s pregnancy and were spontaneous in sharing their overflowing joy.  From the Gospel of Luke, after Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, she experienced the child in her womb leap for joy.  She said “Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:42 The Jerusalem Reader’s Edition).  So important is this reflection on joy that we remember it with each Hail Mary prayer.

In the second reading, we hear that we are to rejoice always. Break down that word REJOICE and we see the word JOY once again.  Pray without ceasing!  Meaning let us shout our joy to the world in thanksgiving!  Don’t stop!  Imagine those angels who sing God’s praises always and forever!  Wow!  To experience that perfect joy of God for more than a few minutes!  To be that full of joy, it would be a surreal experience!

Finally, let’s look at John the Baptist in today’s Gospel, who felt so deep and profoundly the joy of God while in his mother’s womb that it made him leap!  It was said that he was filled with the Holy Spirit, so much so that people thought he was crazy wearing camel haired cloth (to constantly make him uncomfortable – a sacrifice) and eating honey covered grasshoppers (again a sacrifice – a way of not letting his bodily wants take over the focus of his mission).  His mission was to point the way to the true light, the Messiah.  We are to be like John the Baptist.  We are to serve the Lord with joy and point the way to the Messiah by the example of our life – let us be filled with Joy as John was, and point the way!

Eddie MacDonald

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