For the Late Fr. Michael Stogre and deceased ASC community members
On Saturday, September 10/16, a memorial mass was celebrated honoring Fr. Michael Stogre and local community members who have been involved with the ASC since its beginning.
Among those named at the ceremony were Charles Shawanda, Dominic Eshkawkogan, Fr. Maurice and Fr. Michael Strogre.
After mass, we blessed and dedicated cabin 3 and named it after Fr. Stogre. The plaque, which was designed and made by Leonard Cywink, celebrated Fr. Stogre’s life as a physician, writer, priest, hockey player, and hunter.
The afternoon closed with a potluck supper of wild game and traditional foods.
In Remembrance
Sam Debassige,Deacon Fall, 1981
Duncan Desmoulin, Deacon February 8, 1991
Angus Neganijijig, Deacon March 23, 1992
Dominic Eshkakogan, Deacon October 9, 1994
Rose Fox April 24, 1996
Richard Sayers, Deacon April 6, 2001
Dennis Wawia, Deacon June 6, 2001
Agnes Webkamigad, DOS January 5, 2002
EmerickShigwadja, Deacon July 14, 2002
Marjorie Misibinijima November 29, 2003
Coleman Trudeau, Deacon December 10, 2003
Fred McLeod, Deacon May 10, 2010
Gladys Eshkakogan, DOS February 5, 2011
Delma Cooper October 11, 2011
Martin Assiniwe November 26, 2013
Lyda Mishibinijima July 3, 2014
Gerry Ense October 13, 2014
Millie Desmoulin January 28, 2015
Rose Peltier, DOS May 20, 2016
Charles Shawanda June 26, 2016
Beatrice Lake, DOS August 17, 2016