A Reflection by Eddie MacDonald
Every day, around the world, millions of Catholics make the sign of the cross. We all begin our prayers with this blessing of ourselves in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the day we may find ourselves doing this blessing as we pass Catholic churches, when we see a funeral pass by or even as an ambulance screams by us. We may hold a baby and gently make the sign of the cross over their forehead or bless our children as they fall asleep. When we get startled or seriously frightened, we make the sign of the cross. Even in the movies we can see people make the sign of the cross before they do something difficult.
Why is it that we call upon each of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit throughout the day and sometimes even in the middle of the night? Why? Because we are calling on the Wholeness of God, the Holy Trinity to come to our aid.
A way to visualize this love of God put into action is through Confirmation. I always loved Confirmations. I prepared students and attended Confirmations for many years. The renewal of our Baptismal vows, the receiving of Christ in the Eucharist and that special moment when one is sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Bishop lathering on the heavily scented oils on the forehead of wide eyed recipients and sometimes the smell of lemons as he tries to clear the oils off of his fingers. The last of the Rites of Initiation, being sealed by that which is the action of God, the Holy Spirit. Jesus, the way, the truth and the life ever present to us as he is the Bread of Life. And again, the Holy Spirit pouring over us in our Baptism, breaking the barrier that barred us from eternity! What an amazing gift – God Himself through the sacraments, through the daily blessings.
In the name of the Father. The Creator of all who is called “The Father”, we touch our forehead. In the Son (in is referring to us living within Christ). We then touch below our heart to intentionally include our heart; and then we cross over our entire selves saying and the Holy Spirit. And meaning inclusive, the Holy Spirit being the Action of God, called love. All together. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is one. They are the Holy Trinity – the three of them. Each comes from the same source, God, yet each has a role, a purpose to play in our lives. Together they are power, they are grace. They are the Most Holy Trinity. We are truly blessed!