Our first reading today is from the prophet Amos, a humble and wise man, as all true and real prophets are. Amos was called by God from what he was doing, tending flocks, and was sent to prophesy to the northern tribes of Israel. They did not want to listen to him but sent him away because he was warning them of pending doom if they didn’t change.
Amos is challenging us personally to a change of our behaviors, and to challenge ourselves to a change of heart. We live in a world that promotes consumerism, self-gratification, power, control, and prestige that flatters the ego. Amos is challenging us to keep a close check on ourselves so as not to get caught up in the passing pleasures that are self-destructive. If we can keep our hearts in check, and focused on God, practicing our ancestral teachings, we will reap the fruits that will turn us into people like Amos. We are all called to be prophets; and to be a prophet, one has all those teachings imbedded into their person. That is our call.
In the gospel of Mark, Jesus sends his disciples on mission, telling them to take nothing with them and to stay wherever they were welcomed. If people refused to listen to them, they were to shake the dust from their feet when they left the area. Jesus sends out his disciples to bring healing to the sick, to spread the good news, and to practice a simple life.
Like the disciples, Jesus is sending us, too. We are called to bring healing to those who are suffering, and to invite all to a change of heart, from selfishness to self-giving. Jesus modelled that life to his disciples and had his disciples do the same on their journey. We too need to become true, honest, respectful people, with courage to live our faith. The gifts of wisdom, humility and love will be the qualities we receive and we need, to be prophets for our community. In Anishnaabe language or terminology, it means becoming the “elders” who will speak up to admonish the younger generation. To be a prophet is what St Paul talks about in his letter to the Ephesians when he says, “with all wisdom and insight God has made known to us the mystery of his will…”. This is what a prophet is endowed with; and you are already prophets because Jesus, the greatest prophet, the son of God, lives in you.
– Sr. Terry (Kateri) Beaudry CPS