Booking a Cabin

Effective 1 October 2023 – all bookings must be prepaid in full and payment must be received two weeks before the event date or the booking will be cancelled.
E-transfer to is the preferred payment method. Should you prefer to attend our office to prepay your invoice – keep in mind our office is closed Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and holidays. It is usually open from 9 AM to 4 PM Tuesdays to Fridays. We accept cash, cheques and debit – there will be an additional fee for credit card payments (2.65%)
To allow time for invoice preparation & receipt of payment – bookings should be made at least three weeks in advance of the event date. Last minute bookings are discouraged.
Anishinabe Spiritual Centre cannot absorb the cost of foods purchased for cancelled meals events nor for the loss of cabin & dormitory rentals when clients stay with us and don’t pay their bill or cancel their stay at the last minute.
Our thanks to all of you who paid your accounts in a timely fashion in the past.

Thank you for choosing the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre, please provide the following information:

Pricing for Cabins:

  • 1st person $80*
    each extra person $60*
  • Children  6-11: $35*
    Children 0-5: free

* Cost per night/person and does not include meals.

  • I am aware that cost may change if I request additional services from the Centre during or before the event.
  • In the event of cancelation, the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Check-in times to dormitory rooms and cabins is 4:00pm; check-out is 12:00 noon.
  • The Centre, nor its employees, assume any responsibility for equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged by the group, or for belongings that are brought or left on the premises by the group.
  • The Centre has an alcohol-free policy – thank you for respecting this.
  • No loud music/sounds. Please help us keep a quiet atmosphere.
  • Nature preservation; the non-human creatures had their home at the Centre long before the group arrived. Please respect the privileges of all wildlife, report any dead animals to the CentreĀ“s office. Please do not pick flowers or cut or remove branches from live trees.
  • Phones: It is recommended that group members bring a calling card or cell phone to make long distance calls in order to avoid being billed for their calls.
  • Smoking: is permitted at the designated areas (by the entrance to the dining room, by the trees in front of the main entrance or, if cabins are being utilized, on the cabin deck).
  • The water at the Centre is tested very regularly, and is potable.
  • I hereby release the Centre and its members, directors, employees, volunteers, and independent contractors from all liability, claims, causes of action of any kind whatsoever in respect of all personal injuries, loss of life or property losses which any group member may suffer during the event at the Centre.


© 2006-2025 Anishinabe Spiritual Centre All Rights Reserved