Be the Peace you want to see in the World – Advent Light Week 2

Ever wondered what it would be like to sit in on a sacred circle with the Seven Grandfather teachings ‘personified’ as young adults, seeking peaceful resolutions from troubles, toward the birth of something new?

Wander with me into an imagined sacred circle of young adults arriving with COURAGE…they have all come with courage. They themselves are surprised at who showed up. Who will speak first? They sit nervously and hope HONESTY will begin to put on the table the raw issues of hurtful lived experience in the community and its origins. Honesty ‘got the message’ and speaks at length with courage. ‘But who cares!? Does anyone care?’ seems to be the sentiment among the group gathered.

LOVE does! and stands with authority, having been asked to hold the eagle feather, having listened with great RESPECT to what has been shared. They all savour this LOVE of belonging to something much greater than themselves, and breathe in hope and a little relief together…with a quiet understanding that something good has to come from this!  They listen to what it is to be Loved and to Love. TRUTH feels called to back up Honesty.

To hold the feather tenderly with Courage and conviction is Truth’s role in the sacred circle. With great trust in Love, Truth acknowledges grief with those around the table who share shattered dreams, worry and fear of tomorrow, let alone the future. There is deafening silence. Anxiety wants to erupt among them, revealed in their restless shuffling and muffled words spoken under their breath. 

WISDOM stands. She readied herself with HUMILITY to give voice to what was emerging from Love, quieting the anxiety. ‘Could you dream new dreams?’ asks Wisdom. Wisdom speaks of their desires as the light in the darkness that cannot be hidden, and Love speaks gently to brave hearts while tears form in their eyes. They hear, ‘Can you rebuild together what is broken?’ ‘How?’ they inquire in testing silence.

Love continues, “‘I forgive you, please forgive me’, are necessary words.” The sacred circle sits up; some are questioning, even doubting the suggestion. ‘Those words are seeds of your belonging to Creation, rooting your given talent that’s just beginning to emerge. Guard this seed of Inner Peace. Identify the predators, that would dig at your resolve, attempting to destabilize your depth of belonging and the invitation to the birth of something new.’

Come Lord Jesus, we await your coming into our hearts. We ask you to make the way straight. Fill us with inner peace as you guide each of us to dream new dreams with You.

Mary Balfe

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