September 29 – Bulletin Message Holy Cross

What clear and opposing worlds are brought to light in these scripture passages!  One, from ancient days, in the Book of Numbers, to Mark’s Gospel, they both welcome the generosity of the Spirit at work among God’s people. And the other from James and Mark, a harsh reminder that the shadow side of life has undesirable consequences. 

Mark identifies Jesus as heightening the awareness of the danger that lurks (the shadow), when we, without awareness, strike out on a path, or worse – when we know better. How stark a thought to be cast into the sea, or to lose a hand, a foot or an eye! Jesus knew how human we are!  Out of love, Jesus wants us to walk safely on the path, away from the edge of a cliff, being formed, ‘through Him, with Him and in Him’ as guide. Always Jesus is offering the “Master class.”

What about our inaction, our complacency, the couch potato? We willfully choose to cut off our own hand, our own foot or refuse to hear and see, cutting off by choice, our service among family, friends, and community. Recently on the news I heard a term, “cognitive dissonance.” When one is deeply confused or stubborn, deceived, a choice is made not to believe the facts, the truth; then one suffers from cognitive dissonance.

On the journey of faith, we are uniquely formed (not one of us alike) with gifts to serve the people. Removing the obstacles, the false comforts of power, honor and wealth toward vulnerability, humility and poverty are lessons learned from the Master, Jesus our brother and our Lord. Turning toward the truth of Jesus’ extravagant Love, we can embrace reconcillation with two hands, two feet, with eyes that now SEE.

Tomorrow, Canada marks a day of stark awareness. A National Day of Truth and Reconcilation seeks reconiliation as a nation, for dreadful harm to Canada’s Indigenous people. Together, the gift we will continue to offer is a voice for justice and peace, with Christ’s mercy and love. Every Child Matters.

Mary Balfe

Christian Life Community (CLC)

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