Sunday, October 06, 2024

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We, as the Holy Cross Parish community, have been journeying together for 27 weeks of Ordinary Time; the color for this liturgical time is Green. It is a time of growth.  How has your spiritual growth been? Are you having a deeper relationship with Jesus? Has he gifted you? Has your relationship with loved ones improved? We still have 7 more weeks with Ordinary Time. An opportune time to reflect on your life with Jesus, and ask how you have experienced growth. Am I more prayerful, more loving, more patient, and kind?

Today’s first reading is from Genesis, about the time of creation, the first man “Adam”. He was the only human alive and was given the task of naming all of creation. Imagine having only you to give names to the animal world. God noticed how lonely Adam was, even though he was surrounded by the beauty of nature. God knows our every need and so he created woman. Adam experienced a deep sleep, God took one of his ribs and made a woman, he brought her to the man. It was the beginning of the relationship between man and woman.

The Gospel acclamation (1 John 4:12) states: “If we love one another, God will live in us, in perfect love.” As I reflect on life, at times I wish I had Jesus in my life in a deeper way earlier in my life. However, at this point in my life, I am able to spend quiet time with Jesus, especially in the wee hours of the morning. A perfect time to reflect on yesterday, the movements of the Holy Spirit, the ah ha moments, and to pray for the day to come, to ask God for the gift of loving more like him.

The Gospel today (Mark 10:2-16) is about marriage between a man and woman, about divorces and adultery. Jesus knows we have this hardness of heart and we have a hard time forgiving, our heart holds onto grudges. The grudge simmers within us; this is a perfect time to look at ourselves, to ask Jesus to be with us, to help us through these tough times and to help us to see our way through the thickness of the dark times. He alone can bring light and guide us to go deep within our heart and soften our hardened heart.

With Jesus it is never too late to grow in love, and we have 7 more weeks of Ordinary Time as a time of Spiritual Growth.


Margaret Tish Manitowabi, Christian Life Community member

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